libpandac  0.0.0
A library designed for a Panda.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CCanFrameA CAN bus packet data
 CPanda::CanListenerAn abstract class for new data notifications for new CAN data
 CPanda::GpsA class that handles the GPS data
 CGpsDataA consolidation of all parsed NMEA data
 CGpsInfoHolds status information from various NMEA strings
 CPanda::GpsListenerAn abstract class for new data notifications for new GPS data
 CGpsMotionHolds motion information from RMC NMEA strings
 CGpsMotionHolds quality information from GSA/GGA NMEA strings
 CGpsPositionHolds pose information from RMC/GGA NMEA strings
 CGpsSatelliteHolds information of a single satellite from GSV NMEA strings
 CPanda::HandlerA class that handles the Usb, GPS, and CAN data
 CMogi::ThreadAbstract class, handles a single thread. Features mutual exclusion and pause/resume
 CPanda::CanA class that handles the CAN data
 CPanda::GpsA class that handles the GPS data
 CPanda::ToyotaHandlerA threaded interface class that handles sending contorl commands to a Panda via a Panda::Handler
 CPanda::CanA class that handles the CAN data
 CPanda::GpsA class that handles the GPS data