A library designed for a Panda.
CPanda::_CanFrame | |
CPanda::_GpsData | |
CPanda::_GpsInfo | |
CPanda::_GpsMotion | |
CPanda::_GpsPosition | |
CPanda::_GpsQuality | |
CPanda::_GpsSatellite | |
CCanFrame | A CAN bus packet data |
▼CPanda::CanListener | An abstract class for new data notifications for new CAN data |
CPanda::ObdPidRequest | |
CPanda::VinReader | |
▼CCNMEAParser | |
CPanda::Gps | A class that handles the GPS data |
CGpsData | A consolidation of all parsed NMEA data |
CGpsInfo | Holds status information from various NMEA strings |
▼CPanda::GpsListener | An abstract class for new data notifications for new GPS data |
CPanda::SetSystemTimeObserver | |
CGpsMotion | Holds motion information from RMC NMEA strings |
CGpsMotion | Holds quality information from GSA/GGA NMEA strings |
CGpsPosition | Holds pose information from RMC/GGA NMEA strings |
CGpsSatellite | Holds information of a single satellite from GSV NMEA strings |
CPanda::Handler | A class that handles the Usb, GPS, and CAN data |
▼CMogi::Thread | Abstract class, handles a single thread. Features mutual exclusion and pause/resume |
CPanda::Can | A class that handles the CAN data |
CPanda::Gps | A class that handles the GPS data |
CPanda::ObdPidRequest | |
CPanda::ToyotaHandler | A threaded interface class that handles sending contorl commands to a Panda via a Panda::Handler |
CPanda::Usb | |
▼CPanda::UsbListener | |
CPanda::Can | A class that handles the CAN data |
CPanda::Gps | A class that handles the GPS data |
CStrym |