CAN data Analysis using strym

In this notebook, we will analyze data rates throughput and the timeseries characteristics of certain CAN message collected from Toyota RAV4 using Giraffee connector and Panda.

Importing packages

Import required packages

from strym import strymread
import strym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
/home/ivory/anaconda3/envs/dbn/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.
  import pandas.util.testing as tm
Loading BokehJS ...

Specify Data Location

datafolder = "../../PandaData/2020_02_03/"
import glob
csvlist = glob.glob(datafolder+"*.csv")
num_of_files = len(csvlist)
print("Total number of datafiles in {} is {}.".format(datafolder, num_of_files))
Total number of datafiles in ../../PandaData/2020_02_03/ is 19.


1. CSV file containing all messages

In this section, we will analyze CSV-formatted CAN Data for data throughput, rates and data distribution.

dbcfile = '../examples/newToyotacode.dbc'
r0 = strymread(csvfile=csvlist[0], dbcfile=dbcfile)

First plot the count statistics of CAN messages

MessageID Counts_Bus_0 Counts_Bus_1 TotalCount
36 36 582 0 582
37 37 1333 0 1333
170 170 1168 0 1168
180 180 745 0 745
186 186 300 0 300
... ... ... ... ...
1779 1779 22 0 22
1786 1786 3 0 3
1787 1787 6 0 6
1788 1788 3 0 3
1789 1789 1 0 1

173 rows × 4 columns

As you can see this particular csv file recorded all messages.

Plot the speed as timeseries data

speed = r0.speed()
strymread.plt_ts(speed, title="Speed (Km/h)")

Create Violin plot and box plot to see distribution of speed data

# violin plot of speed data
strymread.violinplot(speed["Message"], title="Speed (Km/h)")

From the violin plot and box plot, we see that data is bimodal with majority of values around 0 km/h or above 40 km/h. Mean is around 20 km/h. It will be interesting to check the characteristics of violin plot for stop-and-go traffic.

Rate analysis of speed data

We can analyse data throughput of speed data by measuring some statistical characterisitcs of time differences and instantaneous frequency.

strymread.ranalyze(speed, title='Speed Data')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Speed Data
Interquartile Range of Rate for Speed Data is 25.146205550111343

from above 2x2 plot, we see that speed data came at 50 Hz a little more than half of instances and at 25Hz for little less than half of instances. From box plot, we see that mean data rate is 34.67 Hz and inter-quartile range is 25.05 Hz. 3rd plot is timeseries of time-diffs. Arrival of most of the data has time-difference below 0.05 for most part and some datapoints have arrival interval of more than 0.15 seconds.

Rate analysis of RADAR traces: TRACK A 0

long_dist = r0.long_dist(track_id = 0) # I want to analyze rate for TRACK_A_0 only

strymread.ranalyze(long_dist, title='Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0
Interquartile Range of Rate for Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0 is 14.935477600655974

From above plot, we see that most of the RADAR traces arrive at 20 Hz.

2. CSV file TRACK_A_0 only

Second CSV file has only

r2 = strymread(csvfile=csvlist[2], dbcfile=dbcfile)
MessageID Counts_Bus_0 Counts_Bus_1 TotalCount
36 36 50 0 50
37 37 99 0 99
170 170 148 0 148
180 180 60 0 60
186 186 35 0 35
... ... ... ... ...
1594 1594 1 0 1
1649 1649 3 0 3
1745 1745 2 0 2
1779 1779 3 0 3
1789 1789 1 0 1

154 rows × 4 columns

long_dist = r2.long_dist(track_id = 0)  # I want to analyze rate for TRACK_A_0 only

strymread.ranalyze(long_dist, title='Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0
Interquartile Range of Rate for Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0 is 1.6764377555817518

I remember, while doing this run, we didn’t receive data from TRAC A 0 much

3. CSV file TRACK_B_0 only

r4 = strymread(csvfile=csvlist[4], dbcfile=dbcfile)
MessageID Counts_Bus_0 Counts_Bus_1 TotalCount
36 36 881 0 881
37 37 1851 0 1851
170 170 1789 0 1789
180 180 948 0 948
186 186 466 0 466
... ... ... ... ...
1779 1779 11 0 11
1786 1786 6 0 6
1787 1787 12 0 12
1788 1788 12 0 12
1789 1789 7 0 7

175 rows × 4 columns

rel_accel = r4.rel_accel(track_id = 0)# I want to analyze rate for TRACK_B_0 only

strymread.ranalyze(rel_accel, title='Relative Acceleration Data of Detected Object: TRACK B 0')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Relative Acceleration Data of Detected Object: TRACK B 0
Interquartile Range of Rate for Relative Acceleration Data of Detected Object: TRACK B 0 is 7.510171798655167

4. CSV file SPEED, TRACK_A_0 and TRACK_B_0 only

This file has all speed 0, as we didn’t drive anywhere.

r5 = strymread(csvfile=csvlist[5], dbcfile=dbcfile)
MessageID Counts_Bus_0 Counts_Bus_1 TotalCount
36 36 15 0 15
37 37 33 0 33
170 170 34 0 34
180 180 14 0 14
186 186 11 0 11
... ... ... ... ...
1594 1594 1 0 1
1595 1595 2 0 2
1649 1649 1 0 1
1745 1745 1 0 1
1775 1775 1 0 1

98 rows × 4 columns

strymread.ranalyze(speed, title='Speed Data')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Speed Data
Interquartile Range of Rate for Speed Data is 2.2179331459225313
long_dist = r5.long_dist(track_id = 0) # I want to analyze rate for TRACK_A_0 only

strymread.ranalyze(long_dist, title='Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0
Interquartile Range of Rate for Longitudinal Distance Data: TRACK A 0 is 0.5527337504044729
rel_accel = r5.rel_accel(track_id  = 0) # I want to analyze rate for TRACK_B_0 only

strymread.ranalyze(rel_accel, title='Relative Acceleration Data of Detected Object: TRACK B 0')
Analyzing Timestamp and Data Rate of Relative Acceleration Data of Detected Object: TRACK B 0
Interquartile Range of Rate for Relative Acceleration Data of Detected Object: TRACK B 0 is 0.06944385989934465