
strym requires Python 3.6 or later. We recommend to use Anaconda and Python 3.7.5.


Install strym from PyPI using:

conda create -n strym python=3.7.5
conda activate strym
pip install -r
pip install strym

-U is short for --upgrade. If you get a Permission denied error, use pip install -U strym --user instead.

Development Version

To work with the latest development version, install from GitHub using:

pip install git+


git clone
pip install -e strym

-e is short for --editable and links the package to the original cloned location such that pulled changes are also reflected in the environment.

Software Requirements

  • Python 3.6, Python 3.7.5 is recommended.

  • For an issue related to Windows, please look at Issue #8.

Note about installation on RASPBERRY PI for CAN Data Logging

If you are going to install the package on RASPBERRY PI, you will need to install pre-compiled binaries for NumPy otherwise you may encounter huge inconvenience while building NumPy wheels for Raspberry PI.

Hardware Requirements for CAN Logging

  • CAN-USB Panda board.

  • A suitable Giraffee Connector. Check website for suitable version of Giraffee connector.

  • A modern vehicle with CAN Bus available such as Toyota RAV4, Toyota CHR, etc.

Creating vritual environment

I recommending creating a python virtual environment for installing strym. You can use Anaconda to create virtual environment. Steps for doing so can be found elsewhere on internet. Alternatively, you can also use virtualenv python package to do so.

Jupyter Notebook

To run the tutorials in a notebook locally, please install:

conda install notebook

and run jupyter notebook in the terminal. If you get the error Not a directory: 'xdg-settings', use jupyter notebook --no-browser instead and open the url manually (or use this bugfix).

If you run into issues, do not hesitate to approach us or raise a GitHub issue.