Message subsetting and slicing

In this notebook, I will demonstrate, how to identify use strym to get a subset of message satisfying a condition or a combination of conditions. Let’s start with reading a csv file.

import signal
import pandas as pd
import sys, math, time, datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib import style
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
import pickle
from strym import strymread
import strym
import copy
/home/ivory/anaconda3/envs/dbn/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.
  import pandas.util.testing as tm
Loading BokehJS ...
datafolder = "../../PandaData/2020_03_03/"
import glob
csvlist = glob.glob(datafolder+"*.csv")

num_of_files = len(csvlist)
print("Total number of datafiles in {} is {}.".format(datafolder, num_of_files))
dbcfile = '../examples/newToyotacode.dbc'

Total number of datafiles in ../../PandaData/2020_03_03/ is 8.
r0 = strymread(csvlist[0], dbcfile)

Let’s see how original dataframe for first csvfile looks like

Time Buffer Bus MessageID Message MessageLength
2020-03-03 22:36:24.759860992 1.583275e+09 0000602c05004ef9130f038018000000 0 355 130f038018 5
2020-03-03 22:36:24.760409594 1.583275e+09 000080380800eef90000210056004084 0 452 0000210056004084 8
2020-03-03 22:36:24.761665106 1.583275e+09 00000030180058b4a5fff80000000025 1 384 a5fff80000000025 8
2020-03-03 22:36:24.762725592 1.583275e+09 0000403018004eb6a5fff80000000027 1 386 a5fff80000000027 8
2020-03-03 22:36:24.763091087 1.583275e+09 000060301800cbb6a5fff80000000028 1 387 a5fff80000000028 8
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-03-03 23:21:06.934266090 1.583278e+09 000060500700666b0000000000008c00 0 643 0000000000008c 7
2020-03-03 23:21:06.935342073 1.583278e+09 0000c05c0800606dfff800087fe0004e 0 742 fff800087fe0004e 8
2020-03-03 23:21:06.935601950 1.583278e+09 0000403a08000f6e9904fa54ffae0073 0 466 9904fa54ffae0073 8
2020-03-03 23:21:06.937319279 1.583278e+09 000020320800467198fb71300964003b 0 401 98fb71300964003b 8
2020-03-03 23:21:06.938321590 1.583278e+09 0000401508000b731a6f1a6f1a6f1a6f 0 170 1a6f1a6f1a6f1a6f 8

3942410 rows × 6 columns

speed = r0.speed()
strymread.plt_ts(speed, title="Speed")
(3942410, 6)

Lead Vehicle Distance Data

I want to look at the lead vehicle’s distance data that will be used for cross-checking of message subsetting.

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (16,5)
headway = r0.get_ts('DSU_CRUISE', "LEAD_DISTANCE")

Now lets filter above distance to remove all distance that is equal to 252m. A distance of 252m tells that there was no vehicle detected in the front.

headway_filtered = headway[headway['Message'] < 252]

Now we will use strym’s inbuilt function msg_subset to retrieve a subset of original message

Now lets specify conditions for subsetting.

Subsetting can be done in following ways: specify elpased-time ranges for which you want all messages, specify a list of particular message id or specify conditions. See the documentation for all options.


        Get the subset of message dataframe  based on a condition.


        kwargs: variable list of argument in the dictionary format

            conditions: `str` | `list<str>`

                Human readable condition for subsetting of message dataframe.
                Following conditions are available:

                - *lead vehicle present*: Extracts only those messages for which there was lead vehicle present.
                - *cruise control on*: Extracts only those messages for which cruise control is on.
                - *operand op x*: Extracts those messages for which operator `op` is operated on operand to fulfil `x`.

                Available operators `op` are `[>,<,==, !=, >=,<=]`

                Available operand `operand` are `[speed, acceleration, lead_distance, steering_angle, steering_rate, yaw_rate ]`.
                Details of operands are as follows:

                - speed: timeseries longitudinal speed of the vehicle
                - acceleration: timeseries longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle
                - lead_distance: timeseries distance of lead vehicle from the vehicle
                - steering_angle: timeseries steering angle of the vehicle
                - steering_rate: timeseries steering rate of the vehicle
                - yaw_rate: timeseries yaw rate of the vehicle

                For example, "speed < 2.3"

            time: (t0, t1)

                `t0` start elapsed-time
                `t1` end elapsed-time

                Extracts messages from time `t0` to `t1`. `t0` and `t1` denotes elapsed-time and not the actual time.

            ids: `list`

                Get message dataframe containing messages given the list `id`

            Returns strymread object with a modified dataframe attribute

r_new = r0.msg_subset(conditions="lead vehicle present")
(3086577, 6)
(3942410, 6)

Now, to check whether subset has been successful, we will plot (‘DSU_CRUISE’, ‘LEAD_DISTANCE’) and the give plot should give headway distance same as filtered headway distance we saw above. Since strym’s function originally require passing csvfile to get the benefit or all utility and plotting functions, we need to manual set dataframe to this subset dataframe as we didn’t pass inplace=True. In future, we will be able to create strym object with a valid CAN dataframe.

dsu = r_new.get_ts('DSU_CRUISE', 'LEAD_DISTANCE')

As you can see, using msg_subset can provide a subset of the message that we previously got by operating on dataframe. However, msg_subset also combines multiple conditions and include human-readable conditions which are easier to understand.

Get the time slices.

We can also get the time slices satisfying the given condition. It can be done using function time_subset. Lets see documentation of this function.


        Get the time slices satsifying a particular condition for the dataframe.


        kwargs: variable list of argument in the dictionary format

            conditions: `str` | `list<str>`

                Human readable condition for subsetting of message dataframe.
                Following conditions are available:

            - "lead vehicle present": Extracts only those message for which there was lead vehicle present.

            A list of tuples with start and end time of slices. E.g. [(t0, t1), (t2, t3), ...] satisfying the given conditions

The timeslices cabe used for further analysis.

timeslices = r0.time_subset(conditions="lead vehicle present")
[[(Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:36:24.787207365'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:37:33.590708017')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:38:01.589940071'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:38:47.991396666')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:38:52.591384888'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:39:00.391503572')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:39:36.792317629'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:39:37.592354774')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:39:40.392557383'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:39:56.393051624')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:40:00.192902565'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:40:17.593435049')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:40:21.793538094'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:40:24.993632317')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:40:27.393696547'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:46:57.804323435')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:47:05.204793453'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:48:31.208158493')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:48:32.007115126'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:51:30.012042046')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:51:31.412022352'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:51:31.611897945')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:51:32.211933613'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:39.025678635')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:39.825560570'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:40.225656509')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:40.825712681'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:46.425674438')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:54.425823927'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:00:08.226311445')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:00:23.226538420'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:00:31.626742601')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:01:38.629034996'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:10:15.442380190')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:10:16.642498970'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:10:29.242714167')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:10:39.443002462'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:11:51.646449804')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:12:06.646334887'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:13:01.446827888')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:14:20.048857450'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:14:37.649171114')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:14:55.849929571'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:15:08.650103807')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:15:30.250662565'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:15:52.251535891')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:19:22.256939173'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:20:21.658813238')),
  (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:20:31.859943628'),
   Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:20:32.458867073'))]]

Cruise Control ON

Lets look at cruise control information

acc_on = r0.acc_state(plot = True)
rnew_2 = r0.msg_subset(conditions="cruise control on")
cruise = rnew_2.acc_state(plot = True)

ID based filtering

In the ID based filtering we can filter out message based on particular Message ID and Signal Name/ID

r3new = r0.msg_subset(conditions="180.SPEED.Message > 0")
speed_subset = r3new.speed()
strymread.plt_ts(speed_subset,  title = "Positive Speed")

ID Based filtering to get timeslices

timeslices = r0.time_subset(conditions=["180.SPEED.Message >= 4", "cruise control on"])
timeslices = r0.time_subset(conditions="cruise control on")
from itertools import chain
timeslices =  list(chain.from_iterable(timeslices))
[(Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:40:30.250442504'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:46:54.947874308')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:47:07.301365137'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:47:11.397818565')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:48:39.183156490'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:51:22.000110626')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:51:44.094992638'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:52:03.551586390')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:33.474892616'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:39.470468760')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:39.658811569'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:46.827667952')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 22:59:54.273617506'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:00:08.609681845')),
 (Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:00:23.142306328'),
  Timestamp('2020-03-03 23:00:30.310319901'))]
subset_frames = []
for time_frame in timeslices:
    sliced_frame = r0.dataframe.loc[time_frame[0]: time_frame[1]]
[                                       Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.250442504  1.583275e+09  000020730800e2781066003700000000
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.250880480  1.583275e+09  0000607708006c790000c28000000000
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.251142502  1.583275e+09  000040150800e5793b523b733b583b5a
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.251735926  1.583275e+09  0000401704004a7b01ed00ac00000000
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.252018452  1.583275e+09  0000e05c08009c7b7d04000000000072
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.945369959  1.583276e+09  000040150800adc01f371f311f341f34
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.945670605  1.583276e+09  00008016080036c1000000005504b9ce
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.945927382  1.583276e+09  0000a0040800aec100000fff5000008b
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.946479559  1.583276e+09  000080650800d2c20000000000000037
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.947874308  1.583276e+09  00002073080077c51026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.250442504    0        921  1066003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.250880480    0        955  0000c28000000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.251142502    0        170  3b523b733b583b5a              8
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.251735926    0        186          01ed00ac              4
 2020-03-03 22:40:30.252018452    0        743  7d04000000000072              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.945369959    0        170  1f371f311f341f34              8
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.945670605    0        180  000000005504b9ce              8
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.945927382    0         37  00000fff5000008b              8
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.946479559    0        812  0000000000000037              8
 2020-03-03 22:46:54.947874308    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [553052 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.301365137  1.583276e+09  000020730800acff1026003700000000
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.301627398  1.583276e+09  0000404c08002500000800021800008e
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.301880360  1.583276e+09  0000602c05009d0013af010000000000
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.302132845  1.583276e+09  000060770800f8000000bc8000000000
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.305477381  1.583276e+09  000040150800e507263c2649263c2648
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.396260500  1.583276e+09  000080040800853b01fd01f5420280e4
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.396818638  1.583276e+09  000040460600cd3c807f18f06dae0000
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.397078991  1.583276e+09  0000a0460800323d000000000000003f
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.397513151  1.583276e+09  000080650800253e0000000000000037
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.397818565  1.583276e+09  000020730800a13e1026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.301365137    0        921  1026003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.301627398    0        610  000800021800008e              8
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.301880360    0        355        13af010000              5
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.302132845    0        955  0000bc8000000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:47:07.305477381    0        170  263c2649263c2648              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.396260500    0         36  01fd01f5420280e4              8
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.396818638    0        562      807f18f06dae              6
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.397078991    0        565  000000000000003f              8
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.397513151    0        812  0000000000000037              8
 2020-03-03 22:47:11.397818565    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [5900 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.183156490  1.583276e+09  00002073080033d51026003700000000
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.184428215  1.583276e+09  000080331800f74c05f8008060faf06c
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.184720039  1.583276e+09  0000a0331800724d0500000660ff6070
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.185168028  1.583276e+09  0000803808002ed905aa21083700c09c
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.185430050  1.583276e+09  0000c0331800eb4e05fa00c061fbc082
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.998913050  1.583276e+09  00004015080030b81f261f2f1f2b1f29
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.999356508  1.583276e+09  00008004080007b901ff01ee420380e0
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.999608994  1.583276e+09  0000a004080087b90ffe0fffdfff0026
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.999861479  1.583276e+09  0000c044080005ba4000100000000000
 2020-03-03 22:51:22.000110626  1.583276e+09  0000207308007fba1026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.183156490    0        921  1026003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.184428215    1        412  05f8008060faf06c              8
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.184720039    1        413  0500000660ff6070              8
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.185168028    0        452  05aa21083700c09c              8
 2020-03-03 22:48:39.185430050    1        414  05fa00c061fbc082              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.998913050    0        170  1f261f2f1f2b1f29              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.999356508    0         36  01ff01ee420380e0              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.999608994    0         37  0ffe0fffdfff0026              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:21.999861479    0        550  4000100000000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:22.000110626    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [241997 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.094992638  1.583276e+09  000020730800e1411026003700000000
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.096988201  1.583276e+09  0000005b0800e1450001000000000000
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.099168539  1.583276e+09  000040150800444a21ed21ed21ec21e1
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.099436998  1.583276e+09  0000406e0800b44a007f7f7f7f000000
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.099689484  1.583276e+09  0000a00408002d4b00020ffff000002d
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.550325155  1.583276e+09  00000045040083a70000002e007fffff
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.550790548  1.583276e+09  0000c04408002ba84000100000000000
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.551072359  1.583276e+09  0000e05c0800a5a87d04000000000072
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.551326036  1.583276e+09  0000806508001fa90000000000000037
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.551586390  1.583276e+09  0000207308009ba91026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.094992638    0        921  1026003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.096988201    0        728  0001000000000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.099168539    0        170  21ed21ed21ec21e1              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.099436998    0        882  007f7f7f7f000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:51:44.099689484    0         37  00020ffff000002d              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.550325155    0        552          0000002e              4
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.550790548    0        550  4000100000000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.551072359    0        743  7d04000000000072              8
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.551326036    0        812  0000000000000037              8
 2020-03-03 22:52:03.551586390    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [28418 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.474892616  1.583276e+09  0000207308004f7a1026003600000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.475150824  1.583276e+09  000060770800dc7a0000ba8000000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.477011442  1.583276e+09  000000450400bb7e007900a7fc000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.479079247  1.583276e+09  0000205808004482000d2a0cb6b735b0
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.479700804  1.583276e+09  0000e0481800b4b2e000100100100100
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.467923403  1.583276e+09  0000602c05005b3013cf010000000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.468412399  1.583276e+09  0000002516000d60fe80200008d50000
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.468669415  1.583276e+09  0000002c18007260000008160104911d
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.469322681  1.583276e+09  0000202c1700036280736eff0008d100
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.470468760  1.583276e+09  00002073080093351026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.474892616    0        921  1026003600000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.475150824    0        955  0000ba8000000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.477011442    0        552          007900a7              4
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.479079247    0        705  000d2a0cb6b735b0              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:33.479700804    1        583  e000100100100100              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.467923403    0        355        13cf010000              5
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.468412399    1        296      fe80200008d5              6
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.468669415    1        352  000008160104911d              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.469322681    1        353    80736eff0008d1              7
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.470468760    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [8383 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.658811569  1.583276e+09  00002073080066a51026003700000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.659069300  1.583276e+09  0000a0c00800dfa50000000000000013
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.659510851  1.583276e+09  0000e05c08007fa67d04000000000072
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.659811258  1.583276e+09  0000404c0800f9a6000800021800008e
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.660312414  1.583276e+09  000000251600f2d6fd80800008340000
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.826662540  1.583276e+09  00004015080086513bbe3bc63bb43bb4
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.826917171  1.583276e+09  000040170400f75101f800b7ff000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.827166319  1.583276e+09  0000a00408005d520fff0fffe0000029
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.827418566  1.583276e+09  000080040800da5201ff01f9420480ec
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.827667952  1.583276e+09  00002073080054531026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.658811569    0        921  1026003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.659069300    0       1541  0000000000000013              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.659510851    0        743  7d04000000000072              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.659811258    0        610  000800021800008e              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:39.660312414    1        296      fd8080000834              6
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.826662540    0        170  3bbe3bc63bb43bb4              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.826917171    0        186          01f800b7              4
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.827166319    0         37  0fff0fffe0000029              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.827418566    0         36  01ff01f9420480ec              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:46.827667952    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [10468 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.273617506  1.583276e+09  000020730800e21e1026003700000000
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.275180101  1.583276e+09  0000807f08000a220000060004005fa8
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.276608229  1.583276e+09  000040150800e9243b883b8b3b943b7f
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.277416229  1.583276e+09  00000045040062260000002e003fffff
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.278011560  1.583276e+09  00006048180012546000100100100100
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.607620239  1.583276e+09  000080650800fe730000000000000037
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.607867956  1.583276e+09  000080040800ec7401fd0200420180ef
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.608118534  1.583276e+09  0000203208006875b1ffe9320064fac3
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.609238386  1.583276e+09  0000606808005777fffd43000000008d
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.609681845  1.583276e+09  00002073080020781026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.273617506    0        921  1026003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.275180101    0       1020  0000060004005fa8              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.276608229    0        170  3b883b8b3b943b7f              8
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.277416229    0        552          0000002e              4
 2020-03-03 22:59:54.278011560    1        579  6000100100100100              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.607620239    0        812  0000000000000037              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.607867956    0         36  01fd0200420180ef              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.608118534    0        401  b1ffe9320064fac3              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.609238386    0        835  fffd43000000008d              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:08.609681845    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [22216 rows x 6 columns],
                                        Time                            Buffer  \
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.142306328  1.583276e+09  00002073080060511026003700000000
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.142556906  1.583276e+09  0000e0321800917a04000000000000a4
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.142806768  1.583276e+09  0000003318000e7b04fa000260fc706d
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.143601894  1.583276e+09  000020331800857c04fc2f026002a0d5
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.143851757  1.583276e+09  000040331800fd7c04ca005060fd607e
 ...                                     ...                               ...
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.307449818  1.583276e+09  00008004080046f802000205420480fb
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.307700872  1.583276e+09  0000a0040800c2f800000fffe000001b
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.308242083  1.583276e+09  0000a0460800f8f9000000000000003f
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.308512211  1.583276e+09  00008065080075fa0000000000000037
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.310319901  1.583276e+09  0000207308000afe1026003700000000

                                Bus  MessageID           Message  MessageLength
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.142306328    0        921  1026003700000000              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.142556906    1        407  04000000000000a4              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.142806768    1        408  04fa000260fc706d              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.143601894    1        409  04fc2f026002a0d5              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:23.143851757    1        410  04ca005060fd607e              8
 ...                            ...        ...               ...            ...
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.307449818    0         36  02000205420480fb              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.307700872    0         37  00000fffe000001b              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.308242083    0        565  000000000000003f              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.308512211    0        812  0000000000000037              8
 2020-03-03 23:00:30.310319901    0        921  1026003700000000              8

 [10222 rows x 6 columns]]

We can also visualize time slices on time-axis.

fig, ax = strymread.create_fig(1)
for slices in timeslices:
    ax[0].scatter([slices[0], slices[1]], [0, 0], marker = '*')
    ax[0].plot([slices[0], slices[1]], [0, 0], linewidth=2.0)
    ax[0].set_xlim([np.min(timeslices)-0.1*(np.max(timeslices)-np.min(timeslices)), np.max(timeslices)+0.1*(np.max(timeslices)-np.min(timeslices))])
    ax[0].set_ylim([-0.0001, 0.0001])