Class strym
Import strym
from strym import strym
for real-time visualization of CAN data when Panda devices is plugged to system via USB. Currently deprecated in favor of libpanda.
(dbcfile, **kwargs)¶ strym class records data from Comm AI Panda and visualize in real time. The constructor first gets an “USB context” by creating USBContext instance. Then, it browses available USB devices and open the one whose manufacturer is COMMA.AI. One right device is identified, strym creates a device handle, enables automatic kernel driver detachment and claim interface for I/O operation.
Read and Write for USB devices are either done synchronosly or in isochronos mode.
If your interest is merely in capturing data, you should perform synchronous mode.
For (almost) real time visualization, isochronous mode is the way to go.
- Parameters
- dbcfile : string
- path of can database file in order to decode the message : Provide
- kwargs
Arbitrary keyword arguments.
- path: string
Specify the path/folder where data will be saved. By default path is set to ~/CyverseData/JmscslgroupData/PandaData
See also
(visualize, msg_type, attribute_num, **kwargs)¶ isoviz() function will log everything in asynchronous manner but only visualize specific attribute of the given message. Upon pressing ctrl-C, the logging will terminate and SIGINT signal handler will create a plot and save in two formats: python’s pickle format and pdf.
isoviz is responsible handling data transfer in the isochronous mode and parsing through callback function process_received_data
See for more detail
- Parameters
- visualize : bool
specifies whether to visaulize while logging the CAN data
- msg_type : string
specifies a valid message type from the DBC file
- attribute_num : int
select the specific attribute from the given mgs_type to be displayed
- **kwargs
Arbitrary keyword arguments.
- log: enumeration: {info, debug}
set log level to info and debug
- match: enumeration: {exact, in}
how the message type and specified attribute should be matched for visualization. exact specifies exact match, in specifies substring matching.
(sig)¶ kill catches SIGINT or CTRL-C while recording the data and closes the comma ai device connection
(dat)¶ parse_can_buffer parses the can data received through the USB device and returns list of message ID, message and bus number
- Parameters
- dat : bytearray
byte data to be parsed
- Returns
list – Returns a list containing message ID, message and bus number
(transfer)¶ process_received_data function implements a callback that processes the reeceived data from USB in isochronous mode. Once data is extracted from buffer, it is saved in the object’s data variable. The data is used to update the plot in the real time.